Posts from 2015

9 Items

Jabulani Update – November 2015

by webmaster

Dear Friends, we pray you are well and enjoying JESUS! As we approach the end of 2015 we want to thank you all for your love, interest , prayers and financial support throughout the past year! God has been very kind and generous to us, His love never fails, we count it a real privilege […]

9 Ways to Choose Contentment

by webmaster

Author: Sarah Coleman I have a good job. Two beautiful children. A deliciously wonderful husband. We love God. Go to a fantastic church. Live in a nice house. In a nice street. In a good neighbourhood. My children attend a fine school. We make memories each year on vacation. I am healthy. My family is […]

Jabulani Update

by webmaster

Dear Friends, we pray you are well and enjoying JESUS! We have had a good month of July and everyone is well at Jabulani, we have had a very mild winter and the temperatures are up near 80f (25c) most days, while a little chilly in the evenings, apart from a few coughs and flu […]

Life away from home

by webmaster

  The teaching of the importance of personal relationship with Christ was in every service as far as I can remember. A couple of times this question was posed : if one day we wake up and we can’t meet as we do on Sunday for church, Tuesday for prayers, Life Group , and any […]

Give your all to Jesus

by webmaster

By Roak Dunkley I was holding my two-year old daughter during the praise and worship segment of the service this Sunday, and I just sat down with her for a moment so as to rest my back a little. As we were sitting there I was looking at her knee, where there is a tiny […]

Home Grown

by webmaster

There will be another ‘Vegetables & Compost’ course on Wednesday 29th July, and a half day follow-up course on ‘Home Remedies’ on the morning of Thursday 30th July, as follows:- Full Day Vegetables & Compost Course: Date : Wednesday 29th July 2015. Time : 8am to 4.30pm. Venue : Foundations for Farming, The Glen, cnr […]

Mola Mission Trip

by webmaster

A day before we left for the trip, Tapedza my colleague apologised to the fact that we were going on a different trip than what he is used to. Thus from the beginning, I left knowing I was not going on a holiday. We left Harare at 8a.m and the larger part of the trip […]


by webmaster

Lent. What is Lent? No, we are not talking about that item which someone borrowed from you. We are talking about the 40 days before Easter. This year, Ash Wednesday  (the first day of Lent) is Wednesday 18 February. Lent is the time of year when the Church remembers Jesus’ time in the desert between his […]