
10 Items

Red Letters: Passover

by webmaster

As a young man, I attended a church with a form of liturgy you could set your watch by. Regularly they would serve communion to those of the church who had been christened and confirmed. As I arrived at this point in my life, I partook of communion without realising the nature and consequence of […]

God has a plan

by webmaster

LUKE 22:7-13 In this passage, Peter and John enquire from Jesus where to prepare the Passover and Jesus gives them specific instructions for where to prepare it. The Passover was a commemoration of how God dealt with the Egyptians for their wickedness, delivering the Israelites from their oppression and leading them to the promised land. […]

Whose wife is she anyway?

by webmaster

Author: Rob While preparing to preach this message last Sunday, I was forced to reflect on life events that have highlighted how much people fear dying! Culture has a large part to play in this. There are people with an annihilationist outlook to life… life and experience, consciousnesses etc., will simply cease when our mortal […]

Grace and Justice by Liz Corbett

by webmaster

This article was originally posted on Kings Church website. https://www.kingschurch.com/grace-and-justice-by-liz-corbett/ Did you know that there are around 285 scriptures on the poor and needy in the Bible? To me this means the subject of social justice is important to God.God is the Father to the Fatherless, the husband to the widow, the friend tothe lonely, […]

Behold He makes things new

by webmaster

Isaiah 43:19 English Standard Version (ESV) 19 Behold, I am doing a new thing;    now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?I will make a way in the wilderness    and rivers in the desert. Revelation 21:5 English Standard Version (ESV) 5 And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this […]

This is what love can do…but we have to let go

by webmaster

I have learned a lot about God’s love, and about trusting Him these past few months, from knowing a child.  I’ll call her Sarah.  Sarah grew up in a very vulnerable household, often went hungry and had never been to school.  Her mother despaired of her behaviour, because Sarah would run away from home for […]

We are closer than we think

by webmaster

I have always wondered what value togetherness has. I was raised in a family of 7. We spent a lot of time together whenever we could. After a while one by one we left our parents’ house in pursuit of education and work. We are scattered in different countries and towns. How come we connect vibrantly […]

Raising the younger generation

by webmaster

I was thinking about what one could do to help the younger generation to set goals and standards for the future. I grew up in Waterfalls (predominantly) and spent the first foundational years of my life there. In sociology we say that socialization is very important and that at this stage we learn from what […]

Jabulani Update – November 2015

by webmaster

Dear Friends, we pray you are well and enjoying JESUS! As we approach the end of 2015 we want to thank you all for your love, interest , prayers and financial support throughout the past year! God has been very kind and generous to us, His love never fails, we count it a real privilege […]