Life eKPerience
Blog posts by people from KP
Raising the younger generation
I was thinking about what one could do to help the younger generation to set goals and standards for the future. I grew up in Waterfalls (predominantly) and spent the first foundational years of my life there. In sociology we say that socialization is very important and that at this stage we learn from what […]
Life away from home
Give your all to Jesus
Missions in Zimbabwe
I have been volunteering in Zimbabwe for the past three years with a local charity called Oasis. We are based near Epworth, the poorest high-density suburb in Harare, and we have five projects reaching out to vulnerable people in this community. One helps to establish pre-schools for orphaned and vulnerable children, one trains local churches […]
Six months in Zimbabwe: October 2013 – April 2014
Money Matters – Personal Budgeting
“We didn’t actually overspend our budget. The allocation simply fell short of our expenditure” – Keith Davis Some of us may identify with that quote because we tend to spend consciously or sub-consciously, more than we earn. However, most cannot begin to relate to the quote largely because our income and expenditure are not bound […]