LUKE 22:7-13
In this passage, Peter and John enquire from Jesus where to prepare the Passover and Jesus gives them specific instructions for where to prepare it. The Passover was a commemoration of how God dealt with the Egyptians for their wickedness, delivering the Israelites from their oppression and leading them to the promised land.

However, the Passover meal that Jesus’s disciples were going to prepare this time was not the usual. It was going to be different, special, and much more significant. Jesus had special plans for this Passover which his disciples were not aware of at the time.

This Passover would set in motion the great and ultimate act of delivering mankind from the power of sin that has corrupted this world. Jesus would introduce the new covenant that would replace the old covenant, and institute a new feast of remembrance, what we know as the Lord’s Supper (holy communion), that all of us who believe and follow him would observe.

This was God’s great and glorious plan. From this passage we learn the following:

  1. God has a plan for our salvation and its very specific! No matter what we go through or face, we can rest assured that there is a plan to protect and deliver us as long as we remain in Jesus.
  2. Obedience leads us to the things God has prepared for us! God will provide specific instructions for us to follow that will lead us to the things he has prepared for us according to his plan. Peter and John sought and followed Jesus’ instructions on where to prepare the Passover and they found things as Jesus had said. It’s important to seek God for instruction and obey for us to receive the things God has prepared for us.

Keith Kuhudzai