I have had the privilege of serving God in the area of arts and culture for over 12 years now and am still at it. I have seen God’s glory shine through as he led me and guided me through this jungle that is rooted in self-glory and self-aggrandizement.

My desire in this blog is to share a bit of advice, rooted in Scripture, for those who are aspiring Christian dancers, those who want to serve the Lord with their gifts.

The word “aspiring” simply means having a particular ambition or seeking to obtain a goal. This is neither good nor bad in itself. It’s the goal desired and/or the motives behind the aspirations that determine whether it is good, or just a fun aspiration. However, the Scriptures repeatedly warn us about selfish or ungodly ambition (Philippians 2:3)

As an aspiring dancer, and rooted in Christ, the very first thing you need to do is check your aspirations.  Prayerfully examine your motives.  Why do you want to be a dancer? Why not an accountant, architect, radiographer, graphic designer. Is it the lure of the spotlight?  Do you get excited about the idea of receiving the respect or applause of an audience? Do you crave attention and see dancing as a means to gaining it?  Is pride fueling your ambition? If so, the odds are already stacked against you because (Proverbs 16:18).

There is nothing wrong with simply serving God in the context that He has called you to reach, even if that means you never go on a tour or get to go overseas.  The key is to be faithful where you are.  Ask yourself this hard question: if no one ever sees me dance and I’m never able to affect more than my local congregation, neighbourhood, friends and family, can I still REJOICE in God as well as support others whom God has graced with a larger platform?  If the answer is “NO!”, that’s an indicator that you would have a difficult time handling it if the Lord actually gave you what you desire because you’re more focused on yourself than the Kingdom.

Ask yourself this one again: would you gladly lay down the platform that you have if it means bringing more glory to God in another way? You should just be as happy serving God as a Christian in another context because you are more “Christian” than you are “Aspiring” or “Dancer”

Which brings us to our next point – Christian.

Which is going to be part 2 in a later blog installment… 🙏🏼😃


Sean Mambwere