I have always wondered what value togetherness has. I was raised in a family of 7. We spent a lot of time together whenever we could. After a while one by one we left our parents’ house in pursuit of education and work. We are scattered in different countries and towns. How come we connect vibrantly on WhatsApp, Facebook and any social media platform and we long to meet. We love, cry, hope, laugh and dream together about many things.  Our love has not grown cold. Could this be a result of being children of one mother (or same parents?).

In my context, it’s never easy to go through life without thinking of my siblings. Not a day goes by without me thinking about them.

Acts 2: 42 is a picture of “eklessia” (Church). They were a united people constantly meeting/living together, but love ran deeper than the blood I share with my family. They would share everything they had to ensure that no one lacked. How is it that those who are not blood relatives seem closer than brothers? What code of conduct or agreement makes for such deep connection?
The bible says we are one Holy Catholic (Universal) church. Do we believe it? Do we understand what that means? Do we even miss being together as a church? Better still, as brothers and sisters. Do their burdens concern you?  Galatians 6:10 “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to the family of faith”
I wonder what has cheapened this love for community? Are we so hard pressed that we focus only on our individual problems and miss the big picture? I have found that no matter how broke I get; my mother’s children are always close to my heart and I even sacrifice to help them in times of need. They are blood, right?
Well, Galatians 3:26-18 Says “For you are all sons of God through Faith in Jesus Christ”. And 1 Corinthians 12:13 ” For by one Spirit we were all baptised into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free (Shona, Ndebele, Black, White and so called foreigner) and we were all made to drink of one Spirit”. It must have been difficult for the Jews to find out that Jesus had died for the gentiles, the outcast and so on. I hope we are not those who will panic when God asks us to open our hearts to people He loves, when His word persuades us to treasure this “one new man in Christ’’
Let’s think about this more when we think of being one body and one in Christ. We are closer to each other than we think. Not close because of race or colour, neither are we close because we gather weekly to praise and pray. No! We are who we are because of The One who made us and called us sons and daughters.  He laid his life down for us so that we could be one with Him and each other. I look forward to being with Always!

Your brother in Christ

T Masanganise