Dear Friends, we pray you are well and enjoying JESUS! We have had a good month of July and everyone is well at Jabulani, we have had a very mild winter and the temperatures are up near 80f (25c) most days, while a little chilly in the evenings, apart from a few coughs and flu we thank God for the general health of everyone.

Kuda and Joshua are both doing great and eating well, we thank God for Shelter who takes care of Kuda and Mel who looks after Joshua, these young ladies love these children as their own, their patience, love and compassion is something to behold, thank you for your prayers for these two very special children.

Grace, Blessing and Hope continue to get on well at school, Hope and Blessing both received merit and conduct badges this term, their school work is exceptional, they enjoy school and love their teacher Miss Farera, they enjoyed a school trip to an animal farm and also were reciting poems with their school in a competition, they did well! Grace continues to work hard and is a real blessing, she can handle the heavy school workload very well, hockey and netball have finished and she along with the other girls are looking forward to swimming next term.

Daniel and Joseph are also doing well, they both got merit badges this term and are very proud of themselves! They both competed in an inter school poem and singing competition and performed very well. Please pray for Joseph as his attention span is very short and we have had a few meetings with his teacher.. But he is doing ok,both the boys reading is excellent and Joseph is now doing well with the addition etc after a lot of work in the afternoons! Daniel continues to be a lovely well mannered boy, everyone loves Dan and Joe!

Jabulani play school has had a very productive month, the children have learned to settle and listen,they are all learning the alphabet, numbers and letters, their teacher Miss Rose has gone on maternity leave and has left Alex from Belfast in charge and she is doing a fantastic job while being ably assisted by Allyson and Jessica from Dublin. These young ladies have been a tremendous blessing to everyone at Jabulani, they have given up their summer holidays to come and serve at Jabulani and we know God will reward them richly. Esther, Sarah, Ruth, Hannah, Faith, and Abigail are so full of life and joy, they sing, jump, laugh and shout all day long! We had a trip to the Lion Park with the play school children and had a wonderful time, our daughter Mandy and her family are with us again this year and Daniel and Lois enjoyed the day with the small children.
As we mentioned last month we have been building school classrooms and putting new desks and chairs in them for dear children who were sitting in the dust outside, we are just completing them and there has been much rejoicing and giving of thanks to God for the provision of these blessings! This will change these children’s lives and we thank God for our friends in Australia and USA have donated the finances for these buildings and classroom furniture we pray this will effect the whole community for the glory of God.

We have just sent our last team home to California today, with our teams from Cork and Carrickfergus they have all made a superb impact for the Lord, reaching tens of thousands of children we believe their lives have been changed forever! What an absolute blessing they have been to us and the Jabulani children who love teams to visit!
Thank you for your prayers and financial support, we can not function without you! Many thanks also to those who have started to support with the $1 a day challenge, God bless you richly, we are praying for you, we thank God
for you and pray His blessing on your life.
Much love from all in Jabulani and ZOC, Alan and Dorothy Graham